A blog about the creation of the free webcomic "The Wildfires".

The awakening

Kategori: Allmänt

Moa and I (Charlotta) decided yesterday to start a blog dedicated to our work around our comic we made up last autumn. Almost 1 year later and we got the story and characters quite clear to us, now it's time for the hard work.
Feel free to join us in this experience and help keeping us motivated!


  • Moa säger:

    Wow, we're up and running. This is exciting :D

    Svar: Yeah! Du ska få lösenordet också

    2012-08-24 | 07:58:44
  • Bells säger:

    Fett najs, I'm rooting for ya! :D
    //Bells (skriver vem det är eftersom jag inte vet om det kommer synas sen XP)

    2012-08-24 | 10:24:14
  • Bells säger:

    Also, jag gillar siluett-bilden :3

    Svar: Spank you guurl<3

    2012-08-24 | 10:25:13

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