A blog about the creation of the free webcomic "The Wildfires".

Work: Day 1

Kategori: Allmänt

Not really day 1 (since that would probably count as someday at the fall 2011) but at least it’s the first day we’re blogging about work!

Moa thought a timesheet was a good idea so we would get some overview at what we’re doing and it’s working pretty sweet!


Moa cuts and writes, I take pictures

Initially we only had one document that we wrote everything on. Then we jumped right to the script and then Moa started writing an outline before we decided to make a timesheet instead. It’s much easier to decide what’s going to happen and then Moa can write the dialogues later (she’s good at that).




...and traditional!

After our argument over the layout was decided by rockpaperscissors(Moa won) our outline is now long scrolls… maybe we should make them look like the Torah.


Moa is cursing me for cutting too thin strips.



Look how awesome it ended up! That’s about half chapter 1 but we finished it all some days later. Unfortunately we don’t have that documented since we actually mostly just spaced out and drooled and ate fruit salad.

Your wonderful humble hosts

Kategori: Allmänt

I guess a little presentation shouldn’t hurt so you’ll get to know your favorite writers a bit better!


Dumb & Dumber

Moa Frithiofsson was born on the west coast of Sweden in the spring in the beginning of the 90s, when the pink legwarmers and mullets were starting to vanish. A few months later, with a pregnancy defying all kind of reason, Charlotta Lundborg first saw the light of day. They became quite similar even though their growth was kind of different, the first one growing up in the suburb of Göteborg (Gothenburg) and the other one on the countryside outside of Eskilstuna. They wouldn’t meet until 16 years later when their desire of escape was too strong and they found themselves living in the little town of Eksjö.

Even though they weren’t really the best of friends in the beginning, they noticed one another at the end of high school and even lived together at some points. They went to the same University and finally both moved to the capital; Stockholm, where their current residence are.

The idea to make a comic together was brought forward by moi (Charlotta) last fall after we’d both became obsessed with superheroes. With only a few demands, we brainstormed pretty quickly an idea that then stuck and we’ve developing it since with some few exceptions. Now we’re trying to really bring our game and focus and at least get the script done and then see what we’ll take it from there.

The awakening

Kategori: Allmänt

Moa and I (Charlotta) decided yesterday to start a blog dedicated to our work around our comic we made up last autumn. Almost 1 year later and we got the story and characters quite clear to us, now it's time for the hard work.
Feel free to join us in this experience and help keeping us motivated!